
Appraisal, Consultancy and Technology Services

ST Sociedad de Tasación

ST Sociedad de Tasación is an independent Spanish company, unconnected to any financial institutions or bodies of any other kind. We value all asset classes, focusing particularly on property valuations (ECO valuations, RICS valuations, portfolio valuations, etc.), company valuations and portfolio valuations. Sociedad de Tasación is certified both by the Bank of Spain and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

ST Consultores

Offers consultancy services for all stages of a property’s entire lifecycle. We provide the information and know-how required to help you make better-informed decisions in terms of your business plans, and all property-related matters: investment, divestment and management. We are a RICS-regulated company.

ST Idea

A company specialising in the design, analysis and development of all types of apps, IT and communication systems, particularly those aimed at the real estate sector. We develop products and provide services for leading companies, especially in the financial and real estate sectors, boasting experienced experts in both of these areas.

We offer a wide range of innovative products, services and solutions in the real estate sector

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